Amanda Gorman’s unreleased books top bestseller lists after inauguration
BY Sweenie Saint-Vil / 1.21.2021
After a strong performance at the 59th presidential inauguration, Amanda Gorman fans are eager to read more of her poems. The 22-year-old’s work is in such high demand, her books have become bestsellers ahead of their actual release dates.
“I AM ON THE FLOOR MY BOOKS ARE #1 & #2 ON AMAZON AFTER 1 DAY! Thank you so much to everyone for supporting me and my words,” she tweeted. “As Yeats put it: “For words alone are certain good: Sing, then.”
Gorman made history as the youngest poet to recite an inaugural poem, but the message of hope in her “The Hill We Climb” poem is what touched Americans and earned praise from thousands of people, including the former first family.
“On a day for the history books, @TheAmandaGorman delivered a poem that more than met the moment,” Barack Obama wrote. “Young people like her are proof that ‘there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it; if only we’re brave enough to be it.’”
“With her strong and poignant words, @TheAmandaGorman reminds us of the power we each hold in upholding our democracy. Keep shining, Amanda!” added his wife, Michelle. “I can’t wait to see what you do next.”
Even Oprah Winfrey took to Twitter to show the poet some love. “I have never been prouder to see another young woman rise! Brava Brava, @TheAmandaGorman! Maya Angelou is cheering—and so am I,” she wrote.
After embracing all the love from her fanbase — which includes an influx of over 50,000 new followers — Gorman took advantage of the attention and decided to promote her forthcoming book. “So humbled by everyone’s support!” she tweeted. “If you’d like to read more of my words, you can pre-order my first ever poetry collection, ‘The Hill We Climb,’ here!”
Congratulations to Gorman!