50 Cent doubles down on Trump endorsement: “I don’t want to be 20 Cent”
BY Victoria Moorwood / 10.20.2020
50 Cent is doubling down on his recent endorsement of Donald Trump. On Tuesday (Oct. 20), the Get Rich Or Die Tryin’ MC posted a clip from a Fox News segment where reporters were discussing his support for the president’s reelection and a tweet from Katrina Pierson, a member of Trump’s campaign team.
“I guess 50 cent don’t want end up 20 cent,” Pierson tweeted, referring to 50’s critic of Joe Biden’s proposed tax rates.
During the segment, Trump campaign legal advisor Jenna Ellis commented on the tweet, saying, “Katrina put it perfectly. At the end of the day, people always vote for the candidate whose plan actually gives them the most freedom, the most liberty and the most opportunity for themselves and their family for prosperity.”
50 also clearly agreed with Pierson’s take, as he captioned the snippet, “Yeah, i don’t want to be 20 cent. 62% is a very, very, bad idea. i don’t like it!”
The rapper voiced his strong opposition to Biden’s tax plan on Monday (Oct. 19), after the Democratic candidate rolled out his various tax proposals. Under Biden’s plan, New York and California residents who earn over $400,000 per year would face combined state and local statutory income tax rates of 62 percent. Those making less than $400,000 annually, however, would receive a tax cut.
50 was clearly not happy with Biden’s plan for his home state of New York, as he wrote on Instagram, “WHAT THE FU*K! (VOTE For TRUMP) IM OUT. FU*K NEW YORK The KNICKS never win anyway. I don’t care Trump doesn’t like black people 62% are you out of ya fu*king mind.
Hoping to avoid the tax increase, 50 joked in a follow-up post, “I just remembered I’m bankrupt, so I’m looking for a gracious loan. Can anyone help a brother out? LOL.”
The endorsement caught many social media users by surprise, with some comparing the “Power” executive producer to Ice Cube, who has also recently come under fire for working with the Trump administration on “The Platinum Plan.”
See 50’s latest post below.