Michelle Obama calls on Americans to register to vote 100 days away from election
BY Cherise Johnson / 7.26.2020
America is 100 days away from the General Election. On Sunday, (July 26) former First Lady Michelle Obama and non-profit When We All Vote released a video message encouraging those who are eligible to vote to get ready to use their power.
The organization, launched by Michelle, has noticed a dip in voter registration due to the pandemic. Beginning September 20 through September 27, the organization has the intention of mobilizing thousands of volunteers to help sign up voters. They have the goal of enrolling over 100,000 people in the coming weeks leading up to the election.
“It’s official, we are just 100 days out from the 2020 election,” Mrs. Obama says in the video. “And with everything that’s been going on this year, this election could not be more important for the future of our country. So all that good work you’ve been doing — all the outreach, the voter registration parties, the efforts to make sure no American has to choose between their health or their vote on Election Day — that work is more important than ever before because every American deserves to have their voice heard at the ballot box. Every American deserves to have a say in the future of this country we all love so keep that foot on the gas. First, let’s make sure everyone we know is registered and ready to vote come November.”
Because of Coronavirus, When We All Vote has adapted by taking a digital approach to make sure those who can vote get registered. Earlier this year, the group held several virtual events including MTV’s 2020 Prom Challenge and DJ D-Nice’s #CouchParty Instagram live set.
Individuals who are eligible can check their registration status and sign up directly on WhenWeAllVote.org.
The presidential election is set to take place on Tuesday, November 3.
Check out Michelle Obama’s When We All Vote video message calling on eligible voters to register below.