Alicia Keys sings about current injustices on “Perfect Way To Die”
BY Jon Powell / 6.25.2020
Alicia Keys is tired of the current injustices that our communities are seeing at the hands of the government and law enforcement, and has decided to speak out on wax via her latest single “Perfect Way To Die.” Produced by Keys and Sebastian Kole, the R&B veteran sings about the tragic deaths of Black lives and the protests that take place after:
“Simple walk to the corner store, mama never thought she would be gettin’ a call from the coroner/
Said her son’s been gunned down, been gunned down ‘Can you come now?’ Tears in her eyes, ‘Can you calm down? Please, ma’am, can you calm down?’/
But it rained fire in the city that day, they say, a river of blood in the streets, no love in the streets/
And then came silence in the city that day, they say, just another one gone, and they tell her move on…/”
Along with the release came a powerful message from Alicia Keys, which she revealed via social media and further explains the creation of the heartfelt track:
“I have felt called by music like I never have before. I have been following its lead. It has led me to the song “A Perfect Way to Die”. The song title is so powerful and heartbreaking because WE are heartbroken by so many who have died unjustly. Of course, there is NO perfect way to die. That phrase doesn’t even make sense. Just like it doesn’t make sense that there are so many innocent lives that should not have been taken from us due to the destructive culture of police violence. Sometimes I don’t have the words and music is the only thing that can speak. I hope this speaks to you. I hope one day this song won’t be so relevant. Let’s NEVER stop fighting for justice.”
Fans can press play on a lyric visual for “Perfect Way To Die” below, along with accompanying video commentary from Keys herself. Also added is Alicia’s recently premiered “NPR Tiny Desk” concert, which was recorded back in February and sees her performing amazing renditions of “Show Me Love,” “Gramercy Park,” “Underdog” and “Fallin’.”