BY Sweenie Saint-Vil / 8.19.2021
As the death toll in Haiti continues to rise following the devastating earthquake, Zoey Dollaz is growing more infuriated with the lack of support he’s received from artists who have previously mentioned Haitian culture in their music. On Wednesday (Aug. 18), the Haitian American rapper called those emcees out in a pair of tweets.
“All these fuck ass rappers that’s always using Zoes this and zoes that in their raps, and I got Haitians in Miami this and that using us to sound cool, I don’t see a single post from none of u fuck boys about Haiti, but y’all be ready to use our lingos and act like we yall hittas,” he wrote.
“Shit if u don’t wanna give money fine!!!!” he added in another tweet. “But bring us some awareness so others can put their heads together and help us.”
Haiti has been in a state of emergency since a 7.2-magnitude earthquake struck the country on Saturday (Aug. 14). More than 2,000 people have passed away as a result of the natural disaster, and as many as 30,000 families have been left homeless. Several countries have lent their support to Haiti, while non profit organizations have started fundraisers and efforts to collect food, medicine and other necessary supplies for survivors. Zoey has also used his platform to share wish lists filled with desired items for affected citizens and locations where followers can drop off their goods.
This incident, he previously tweeted, will allow him to see how many people will come through for him and his country. “I’m really bout to see who’s with me fr or who’s not in this time of need to help my country out,” he wrote. “Really about to fall out with too many niggas I called friends that so have money to blow in the office and give, but won’t contribute to buying these ppl goods, and most of these niggas are so call ‘ZBs’ = Zoe boys if u know u didn’t contribute after DIS passes on pls FCK UR SELF.”
See Zoey Dollaz’s tweets below.