Rudy Giuliani suspended from practicing law in Washington, D.C.
BY Victoria Moorwood / 7.8.2021
Rudy Giuliani has been suspended from practicing law in Washington, D.C.; a U.S. appeals court ruled on Wednesday (July 7). The announcement arrives two weeks after Trump’s former lawyer was also suspended from practicing law in New York.
According to Reuters, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals issued their order citing the New York Appellate Division’s decision to suspend Giuliani’s law license. That suspension was based on the court’s finding that the former New York City Mayor lied to the public while falsely claiming that Trump won the 2020 presidential election.
“We conclude that there is uncontroverted evidence that [the] respondent communicated demonstrably false and misleading statements to courts, lawmakers and the public at large in his capacity as [the] lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump and the Trump campaign in connection with Trump’s failed effort at reelection in 2020,” the court said at the time.
“We conclude that respondent’s conduct immediately threatens the public interest and warrants interim suspension from the practice of law,” it added.
Giuliani previously said he would go to court to fight the New York suspension.
“We are disappointed with the Appellate Division, First Department’s decision suspending Mayor Giuliani prior to being afforded a hearing on the issues that are alleged,” his lawyers said in a statement.
“This is unprecedented as we believe that our client does not pose a present danger to the public interest. We believe that once the issues are fully explored at a hearing Mr. Giuliani will be reinstated as a valued member of the legal profession that he has served so well in his many capacities for so many years.”
So far, Giuliani hasn’t released an official statement about the new suspension in Washington, D.C. However, he did retweet several messages supporting him, one of which read: “This is totally lawless! They are persecuting [Rudy Giuliani] because he had the courage to fight a rigged election.”