Here’s video of Derek Chauvin being cuffed and taken away after guilty verdict for your own enjoyment
BY Isha Thorpe / 4.20.2021
April 20, 2021 will officially go down in United States history — though for a tragic reason. Today, the jury in former Minnesota police officer Derek Chauvin’s murder trial found him guilty on all charges, which include second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.
The entire world was watching closely — while holding its collective breath — since about an hour before the verdict was read. This was the time news broke that the decision would be coming soon. The hour dragged, but it finally arrived for everyone to hear what the jury’s decision was. As the judge read that Chauvin was found guilty on each of the three charges that he faced, an overwhelming sigh of relief was done by the millions of people around the world who tuned in to watch, while others also continued to feel anger and sadness after realizing that Floyd should still be here.
The former cop’s bail would also be revoked, as we await his sentencing, which will be in a couple of months.
Nevertheless, millions were happy about this major step in the right direction, while we continue to shout to the top of our lungs that Black lives matter.
“GUILTY! Painfully earned justice has finally arrived for George Floyd’s family,” attorney Ben Crump, who represented Floyd’s family in the trial, tweeted after the verdict was announced. “This verdict is a turning point in history and sends a clear message on the need for accountability of law enforcement. Justice for Black America is justice for all of America!” He would also posted a reaction video speaking about the trial’s outcome. See that tweet and video below.
Once the verdict was read, the judge presiding over the trial asked the jury if their written decision was correct and the jury confirmed that it was, Chauvin was handcuffed and taken away. The footage bought joy to many’s hearts. See that for your own enjoyment — and as many times as you like — below! We definitely did.