Biden visits Texas after fatal snowstorm

The president will meet with Gov. Greg Abbott and local leaders to discuss the storm and possible relief efforts.

Joe Biden is heading to Texas in the wake of the devastating winter storm that recently ravaged the state. The president and first lady Jill Biden are slated to visit the City of Houston today (Feb. 26).

During his stay, POTUS’ agenda includes a trip to the Harris County Emergency Operations, Houston Food Bank and the COVID-19 vaccination center at NRG Stadium. Per White House secretary, Jen Psaki, he’s scheduled to “discuss the winter storm, relief efforts, progress toward recovery and the incredible resilience shown by the people of Houston and Texas” with local leaders, but he will spend most of his day with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

“I want you and the residents to know that we’re here to provide the federal assistance you need to support your state, your local and tribal response efforts,” Biden told the governor ahead of his trip, according to USA Today.

Following the severe snowstorm that left many residents without heat, running water, electricity or shelter, Biden declared a major disaster in Texas. He ordered the Federal Emergency Management Agency to send emergency generators, bottled water, meals and blankets to the state and requested that federal agencies seek additional ways to assist in the state’s recovery. POTUS initially desired to travel to the state last week, but he postponed his plans so he wouldn’t draw attention away from any recovery efforts.

“The president doesn’t view the crisis and the millions of people who’ve been impacted by it as a Democratic or Republican issue,” Psaki said of Biden’s thoughts on the current conditions in Texas. “He views it as an issue where he’s eager to get relief, to tap into all the resources in the federal government, to make sure the people of Texas know we’re thinking about them, we’re fighting for them, and we’re going to continue working on this as they’re recovering.”

Biden’s trip will be his first time in Texas and to a disaster zone since becoming president.