Officers who protected Capitol during riots will receive Congressional Gold Medal

“The outstanding heroism and patriotism of our heroes … demand our deepest appreciation,” wrote House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The officers who protected the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection will be awarded a Congressional Gold Medal, according to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

On Thursday (Feb. 11), Pelosi made the announcement in a Dear Colleague letter. She praised members of the D.C. Metro Police (MPD), U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) and others for their bravery during the deadly riots. “That day, those men and women risked and gave their lives to save ours, becoming martyrs for our democracy,” she wrote.

“The outstanding heroism and patriotism of our heroes … demand our deepest appreciation. … We must never forget the sacrifice of Officer Brian Sicknick, Officer Howard Liebengood, MDP Officer Jeffrey Smith and the more than 50 USCP who sustained serious injuries, or the courage of the heroes such as Officer Eugene Goodman,” she continued.

Pelosi is asking for all Democrats to support the legislation. More than 140 officers in the Capitol were injured during the deadly riots and some lost their lives, including Officer Sicknick, who was wounded while responding to the siege.

“It’s been such a sad time for us, but as we see what is being presented, we also see the extraordinary valor of the Capitol Police who risked and gave their lives to save our Capitol, our democracy, our lives,” Pelosi said Thursday.

Officer Eugene Goodman has been praised by lawmakers for his bravery during the breach. During Trump’s impeachment trial on Wednesday (Feb. 10), newly released security footage showed the officer saving Mitt Romney’s life from the angry mob. Goodman has since been promoted to acting deputy Senate sergeant-at-arms.

“That is why I am putting forth a resolution, introducing legislation to pay tribute to the Capitol Police and other law enforcement personnel who protected the Capitol by giving them a Congressional Gold Medal, the highest honor that Congress can bestow,” Pelosi added.