DaBaby and 42 Dugg offer to pay bail for woman arrested for killing her brother’s alleged killer

“I got the 20 thousand if they can get her out on ten percent tell her people get with me,” 42 Dugg said before DaBaby chipped in.

Earlier this week, news broke that a 21-year-old Kansas, Missouri woman named Tityana Coppage reportedly tracked down her younger brother’s alleged killer and fatally shot him on Wednesday, Jan. 13 as a way to avenge her now-late sibling’s death.

According to several news outlets, Coppage’s 16-year-old brother, Jason Ugwuh, was killed by a man on Sunday, Jan. 10. When authorities asked her what happened during her shooting incident, she admitted that she fired a gun into the vehicle her victim was in. However, Coppage claims that she was acting in self defense because her victim actually shot at her first. She’s now being held on $200,000 bail.

Since learning of this story, rappers 42 Dugg and DaBaby have offered to free her. On Instagram, Dugg said: “I got the 20 thousand if they can get her out on ten percent tell her people get with me.” DaBaby then replied, “I match u a dub.”

When cops questioned Coppage, although she claimed self defense, authorities also found a couple of incriminating text messages of hers. “…one saw her asking for ammunition, the other a text to her late brother. ‘Sent a [expletive] to my brother I owe em that body,’” Yahoo’s news site reports.

Coppage is now charged with second-degree murder. According to FindLaw.com, it’s defined as an “intentional murder that lacks premeditation, is intended to only cause bodily harm, and demonstrates an extreme indifference to human life.” It’s a Class A Felony in Missouri and a person convicted of the crime can be sentenced to “10-30 years in prison or imprisonment for life without eligibility for probation or parole.”

The death of Ugwuh, unfortunately, isn’t the only family death that the sister has gone through. Back in 2016, an gunman — who’s still unknown to this day — fired into another younger brother and cousin’s home, and killed them both. The two kids were only eight and nine years old.