Lil Wayne expected to be pardoned by President Trump
BY REVOLT Staff / 1.18.2021
Lil Wayne may have received mixed reactions for lending his support to the outgoing Commander-in-Chief, President Donald Trump. However, Wayne’s controversial pick for president might benefit him after all.
On Monday (Jan. 18), Fox News reports that the Young Money founder might be on the list of 45’s final round of pardons. Apparently, a meeting was held Sunday night to confirm the new list of pardons, which is expected to range from 50 to 100 people. Trump isn’t planning on pardoning himself or his family, but he may extend the honor to those who have supported him as Wayne did just a few months ago.
During the 2020 Elections, Lil Wayne took to social media to offer his support for Trump’s reelection bid. In his caption, Wayne said that he had met with 45 and approved of the initiatives Trump had planned to execute if he won.
“Just had a great meeting with @realdonaldtrump @potus besides what he’s done so far with criminal reform, the platinum plan is going to give the community real ownership. He listened to what we had to say today and assured he will and can get it done,” Lil Wayne tweeted on Oct. 29.
Wayne could use the pardon as his literal get-out-of-jail-free card to dodge the current charges he’s facing in Florida. Back in November, the Funeral rapper was charged with one count of possessing a firearm and ammunition as a felon after an anonymous tip, made on December 23, 2019; led Miami police officers and federal agents to search a jet that Wayne was on. While onboard, authorities found the gun along with cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, heroin, pain killers, prescription-strength cough syrup and $26,000 in cash.
Wayne wasn’t charged with any drug offenses, however, he did plead guilty to the gun charges last month. The “Glory” rapper faces at least 10 years in prison unless Trump comes through with a pardon.