Kobe and Gianna Bryant’s autopsy report released 4 months after helicopter crash
BY Dayna Haffenden / 5.16.2020
On Friday (May 15), Kobe and Gianna Bryant’s autopsy reports were released nearly four months following their fatal helicopter crash in California.
The Los Angeles County Department of Medical Examiner-Coroner released the report of all the victims that died during the crash that took place in January 2020. According to the documents, all nine passengers suffered from blunt trauma. Their deaths were also ruled as accidental. “These injuries are rapidly if not instantly fatal,” Juan Carrillo, deputy medical examiner, wrote in the report.
This came after a proposed California bill was introduced to make it illegal for first responders to share photos of crime scenes. Earlier this month, the Los Angeles Times reported that the bill would make it a “misdemeanor with punishment of up to a year in jail and as much as $5,000 in fines for a first responder to use a smartphone or other device to photograph a deceased person for any purpose other than official law enforcement business.”
Kobe’s wife, Vanessa Bryant, explained that she was devastated that photos of the crime scene surfaced online. At least one deputy at the location had their cell phone in hand and was showing photos to others “in a setting that had nothing to do with the investigation.”
Vanessa’s lawyer, Gary Robb, shared a similar sentiment and elaborated on their next course of action. “This was of critical importance to her as she desired to protect the dignity of all the victims, and their families,” the statement read. “At that time, Sheriff Alex Villanueva assured us all measures would be put in place to protect the families’ privacy, and it is our understanding that he has worked hard to honor those requests.”
Following Kobe and Gianna’s untimely deaths, Vanessa and several fans have posted heartfelt messages on social media in their honor.