DJ Khaled donates masks and gloves to health care workers in NYC and Miami
BY Tamantha / 4.1.2020
DJ Khaled and his wife Nicole are doing their part to help provide proper health care equipment to medical staff in hospitals in Miami and New York. Their We The Best Foundation has reportedly donated 10,000 gloves and masks to local hospitals in both cities.
“Helping our local community when and where we can has always been our mission since we started the We The Best Foundation back in 2018,” Khaled said in a statement. ”By partnering with Direct Relief, Nicole and I are able to reach the medical staff who are most at risk in local hospitals in New York and Miami. It’s important to us to take care of those who take care of us.”
Khaled and his wife were inspired to donate by their friend designer Gelareh Mizrahi, whose brother works at a hospital in Brooklyn.
“Direct Relief is so deeply grateful for this extraordinary act of personal generosity from DJ Khaled and Nicole Tuck to help keep health workers safe as they put themselves at risk to keep all of us safe,” said Direct Relief President and CEO Thomas Tighe in a press release. “This support translates into immediate, practical help, and is such a wonderful example of everyone pulling together and doing whatever we can to protect those who are most vulnerable.”
DJ Khaled isn’t the only celeb that is putting their money where their mouth is when it comes to the pandemic. Rihanna and JAY-Z’s foundations have each donated $1 million to COVID-19 relief.
Variety reports that the combined $2 million donation will go toward several organizations, including the Mayor’s Fund for L.A., Fund for Public Schools, American Civil Liberties Union and the New York Immigration Coalition.
The funds will help offer daycare and resources for healthcare workers’ and first responders’ children, learning materials for children in shelters, meal deliveries for L.A. and N.Y.C.’s homeless and elderly populations, financial support for undocumented workers, COVID-19 testing in N.Y. and Coronavirus emergency preparedness for prisoners.