Ice Cube clarifies he has not endorsed Donald Trump
BY Sweenie Saint-Vil / 10.15.2020
Since President Donald Trump’s staffers announced Ice Cube helped in the development of the Platinum Plan, social media users expressed their disappointment in the rapper for siding with the Republican party.
Cube defended himself, clarifying he met with both parties to discuss his Contract with Black America, but his involvement with the plan was still misinterpreted.
“Facts: I put out the CWBA,” he tweeted yesterday (Oct. 14). “Both parties contacted me. Dems said we’ll address the CWBA after the election. Trump campaign made some adjustments to their plan after talking to us about the CWBA.”
Later in the day, when someone tweeted about him about “working with the dark side,” he explained, “Every side is the dark side for us here in America.”
“They’re all the same until something changes for us,” he continued. ”They all lie, and they all cheat, but we can’t afford not to negotiate with whoever is in power or our condition in this country will never change. Our justice is bipartisan.”
Today (Oct.15), Cube doubled down on his stance, explaining he actually intended on speaking to both the Democrats and the Republicans. “Black progress is a bipartisan issue,” he said. “When we created the Contract with Black America, we expected to talk to both sides of the [a]isle. Talking truth to power is part of the process.”
He then went on to address a few of the tweets that seemed to suggest he’s betraying Black America.
To a follower that shared his 2016 tweet about his intention to “never endorse a mothafucka like Donald Trump,” he clarified he still hasn’t endorsed anybody.
The Next Friday actor also responded to the Washington Post tweet that read, “Ice Cube once rapped about arresting Trump. Now, he’s advising the president on policy plans.” He replied, “I will advise anybody on the planet who has the power to help Black Americans close the enormous wealth gap.”
Look below for the aforementioned tweets.