Venus Williams has long been a trailblazer, both on and off the court. As one of the most iconic athletes in history, she continues to set the tone and inspire young Black girls to pursue greatness in all industries. Whether dominating in tennis, leading her businesses or paving the way for future generations, Williams exemplifies resilience, strength and excellence.

Now, she’s also partnered with Downy to showcase its groundbreaking laundry odor remover, Rinse & Refresh. From intense workouts to busy days managing her entrepreneurial ventures, Williams relies on the powerful product to keep her clothes odor-free, whether she's sweating it out on the court or traveling for work.

In a conversation with REVOLT, the decorated athlete discussed her partnership with Downy, the elevation of women’s sports and how she defines beauty within. Get into the exciting exclusive below.

What is one personal ritual you implement to keep your gear fresh before or after a match? How does Downy Rinse & Refresh play a part in that routine?

I live my life for sport — I sweat for a living, literally (laughs). If you play a match on a clay court, that clay is all over your clothes, no matter what you do, when you get off of the court. I was really excited to partner with Downy because I've always used [the brand], and it's always been so wonderful for my clothes. It’s been awesome to tell the story of using Rinse & Refresh on my clothes, how it really fights odor in one wash — guaranteed — and how it breaks down the source of deep-set odor.

In what ways do you believe the increased visibility of women’s sports is changing the conversation and reshaping the narrative about what it means to be a woman athlete today?

My mom was a great athlete but never had the chance to play sports. That was a generation of women who, I'm sure, wanted to play but just didn't have those opportunities. It’s been too long that women have not been in the spotlight. It's been great to see all these sports just explode and to have these new role models for this next generation. I've been honestly watching with popcorn. I'm so excited to see these women just shine.

Your plant-based nutrition brand, Happy Viking, is all about empowering others to reach their full potential. What was one moment when you felt you truly embodied the Happy Viking spirit in your life?

It's about fueling your inner warrior. I feel like I've learned so much on the court, and I just have taken that with me off the court — whether that's learning perseverance, how to be successful, how to deal with failure [or] how to be honest with yourself when you know things aren't going right. You [have to] look deep inside and reevaluate all of those things. I feel like those are all inner warrior moments, and I've used all those [lessons] on the court. It all marries together; you [have to] do the same thing, whether at work or in your personal life... All those things count. That’s why I always think that people should play sports.

What’s an affirmation that you rinse and refresh to in the mirror daily?

That affirmation is always changing for me, and it depends on what you're going through. I think for some people, maybe the same affirmation works, but for me, I always need something different for what I'm going through at that moment. If I'm on the court, then maybe I'm having a specific issue or doubt. I'm just journaling or thinking this one thing, whatever it is. Sometimes it's something super simple like, “Whatever happens, put the ball in.” That's the game of tennis -- putting the ball in -- but it can apply to life, too. One of the things that I'm [telling myself] right now -- because I feel like I'm in an in-between phase -- is to observe it, understand it, feel it and move forward.

How do you envision your future, and what are the key principles guiding your next phase?

I've been able to live so many dreams on and off of the court, so I think that's been great, and I think I'm focusing a lot more on what I can give. Tennis takes so much time — it's all day, all night, literally all year. As of now, I’m looking forward to the things that I can give to other people, whether it's mentoring other players or working on other charitable things. I think that's how I see my focus shifting.

You looked stunning and confident on the runway for Vogue World: Paris. How do you define inner beauty?

Especially as a person playing a sport, I wasn't focused on how I looked. I was focused on that ball going in and if I could win my match. I didn't have to ask about that other stuff because I was excited for the weekend to come play tournaments. It’s interesting how it shifts your focus away from what was on the surface and, more or less, on how you're building yourself up inside. The true reign of beauty definitely comes from within, and when that beauty is beautiful inside, the outside just follows right along.

What was one moment in your career when you surprised yourself with how you handled a challenge or setback?

I mean, obviously, being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. It definitely took me out of the game, literally, for a long time. It was definitely not something that you think you're going to deal with as a professional athlete. I definitely use different ways to deal with that. At times, when I couldn't go on tour, sometimes it was simple — I'd be at home, and I just started singing songs on the karaoke machine. There [are] simple ways to bring some joy when you can't do what you'd like to do. It doesn't always have to be like, “I need to work real hard to get back.” Sometimes it's like, “I need to step away” and “I need to sing this song here.”

Outside of practice and matches, what are some of the unexpected ways you keep your mind sharp and resilient?

I think some of the ways I stay sharp is just looking at other players. If you watch other sports or even people who perform, like artists and singers, I think for me, it gives me an appreciation. Sometimes you can get so caught in the moment, you stop to think about what a privilege and honor it is to perform — and to entertain, quite frankly — on this large scale that you've always dreamed of. Also, seeing and listening to other athletes, how they handle those moments and situations, really helps and inspires me because you don't always have all the answers.