Earlier this month, Hulu premiered a documentary titled Freaknik: The Wildest Party Never Told, which served as a time capsule of sorts for the iconic Atlanta event of the same name. Executive produced by Luther "Uncle Luke" Campbell, Jermaine Dupri, and 21 Savage, the film gave a pretty thorough history lesson on Freaknik, from its humble beginnings to the grandiose affair that soon became the ire of government officials and conservative critics. Other heavyweights like Lil' Jon, Too $hort, Killer Mike, CeeLo Green, Kenny Burns, and even former Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed took part in the production by providing personal commentary on everything that went down during the ‘80s and '90s extravaganza.
As REVOLT previously reported, scores of people hopped on social media and expressed concern about finding older relatives and peers in the film. As comedian Roy Woods Jr. hilariously stated, "'Bout to be a lot of divorces when that Freaknik doc drop. A couple pastors [are gonna] have to step down from the pulpit too."
On Tuesday (March 26), Twitter user Boobs_nTattoos posted a screenshot from Freaknik of who she stated was her mother. "I FOUND HER IN IT AND SHE CONFIRMED IT. I’m having a stroke," she wrote. Another user, bigbenaaa, added to that with some visual proof of her own. "Caught mine in 4K [in] the first seven minutes of the movie," she admitted. "I didn’t finish watching it." General_Kush joined in by sharing a snap of his father in the movie.
A few days prior, "Married To Medicine" star Cecil Whitmore became candid about his experiences at Freaknik after someone spotted him with two others.
"Since MobzWorld busted me out in the [Freaknik documentary], here is the next year [in] 1989 with my brother dgolfer25!” the reality star tweeted along with an old photo. "Fun fact for ['Married To Medicine'] fans: My brother and the lady in the picture are the parents of [my] nephew, who stayed with us in high school."