Mario shares heartfelt message about “ignorance and self-hate in 2025”
BY Jon Powell / 1.27.2025
On Monday (Jan. 27), Mario hopped on his Instagram Stories to speak out against a series of issues he is witnessing within his community. While there wasn’t a clear reason behind his decision to create the message, its opening paragraph appeared to allude to the U.S. government’s stance on immigration, which has recently affected many within the Latino population.
“Can we stop praising the killing of our own people, please?” the singer asked. “Our ignorance and self-hate in 2025 while the world is shifting by the second is what scares me for brown men, women, and children. Another issue is this gender war in our community. The separation of family was first. Now, it’s this war between brown men and women.”
Mario continued by addressing what he feels is a mental health crisis caused by lifelong traumas. He used his own life story as a powerful example.
“I’m in tears writing this message because I watched my community growing up in Baltimore perish from ignorance, the streets, and addiction on both sides,” he explained. “My uncle (my mom’s brother) was a hustler from a young age. My [second] cousins were all... ruthless with the metal and my mom suffered from addiction. My grandmother died from cancer AND SHE WENT TO CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY. As a matter of fact, she was in church at night when my uncle got shot! I’ll never forget her scream!” He added that his great-grandmother outlived many of her children despite her faith, and he’s tired of the patterns that continue.
“I’m saying all this to say [that I’ve] been on both sides of life. I believe that we can be winners in life with all we go through,” Mario expressed. “It’s in us... Our pain is also our power. We have to use it as a force when making a shift into the light gets hard. Yes, fighting our demons is hard because they are like friends you don’t need in a healthy life.” He closed by admitting that he is still working on himself. While he still has dark moments and triggers, his self-awareness helps to move the healing process forward.