Michael Jordan is arguably one of the greatest sports figures to ever live. His story is not only one of trial to triumph, but a testament to never give up on the dream.
Before he single-handedly changed the entire trajectory of the National Basketball Association, Jordan made a name for himself as a member of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s men’s basketball team under the leadership of coach Dean Smith. As a freshman, he won an NCAA national championship with the Tar Heels.
After playing college ball for three years, Jordan was drafted as the number three overall pick in the league by the Chicago Bulls in 1984, and as they say, the rest is history. The Charlotte native led the Bulls to six NBA championship titles before ultimately stepping away from the league for good after 15 seasons.
Beyond wowing the world with his sharp skills on the court, the star athlete also displayed his business wits early on in his career, revolutionizing the sneaker industry when he signed a five-year $2.5 million deal with Nike during his rookie year. The move changed the game, not only because it redefined the way brands approach celebrity endorsement deals, but helped him to reach billionaire status in 2014.
Today, he is currently entitled to 5 percent royalties on each Jordan Brand shoe sale. The basketball legend also became the only Black majority owner of a major sports franchise for a while after he purchased a controlling investment in the Charlotte Hornets for a whopping $275 million in 2010. After selling the majority of his share in 2023 for $3 billion, he still owns a portion.
Today, Jordan has inspired a generation of basketball players, including some of the biggest names in the league, and continues to be an icon. Beyond that, he has given the culture words of wisdom along the way.
These 23 quotes below prove why Jordan will forever be the GOAT. Check them out.
1. “If you do the work, you get rewarded. There are no shortcuts in life.”
This is a reminder that you will reap the benefits when you put in the hours. Here, Jordan emphasizes the importance of not cutting corners to achieve success. Instead, he advises you to stay the course and work hard until you make it to the top.
2. “Heart is what separates the good from the great.”
If you’re passionate about something, go after it. Life is too short to settle for less. With this statement, the basketball legend gives us the key to what will make you stand out from the rest when chasing a vision.
3. “Failure makes me work even harder.”
There’s nothing worse than setting out to do something and coming up short. Every attempt can’t be a win, therefore, if you come up short on a big goal, that just means you should take another route to get there.
4. “The key to success is failure.”
Jordan was cut from his basketball team in high school and told that he wasn’t good enough -- something that is a bit baffling to wrap one’s head around if you think about it. The person who is considered one of the greatest of all times, a sports icon and your favorite player’s favorite player was dropped from a sport he loves to play. Do with that what you will.
5. “I’ve never been afraid to fail.”
Having the courage to step out on faith and do the unknown can be scary, especially when you don’t know the outcome. This quote alone is proof that Jordan has always been in a league of his own because he has not been fearful of taking risks despite how things could turn out.
6. “I know fear is an obstacle for some people, but it is an illusion to me. Failure always made me try harder next time.”
Mind over matter is what Jordan was expressing with this line. Our mindset can either lead to our detriment or the delusion that we can have it all — may it be the latter for everyone reading this.
7. “To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail.”
No great success story comes without trials and tribulations. Most people who tend to achieve height in their respective careers have stories about things that didn’t work out. Jordan is saying to get comfortable with not always winning; only then will you have the true essence of a champion.
8. “To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don’t isolate.”
As a society, we’re often taught that being selfish is a bad thing and Jordan is here to give us the nudge that it is not. Taking the time to pour into yourself and your craft is necessary, but he reminds us that once you hit those accomplishments, it is necessary to go back and lift others as you continue to climb. It isn’t always about reaching your goals and remaining a loner once you get there. Instead, go out, do what you need to do, and then come back to lead others to their own paths of success.
9. “If you quit once, it becomes a habit. Never quit!”
Don’t give up. Jordan didn’t always play his best every game, but that does not mean he threw in the towel. Instead, he kept moving forward. He was never afraid to fall because there was always a chance to get back up.
10. “I never looked at the consequences of missing a big shot… when you think about the consequences, you always think of negative results.”
With this quote, Jordan argues that you shouldn’t even let your mind trick you into thinking the outcome is going to be bad. Live in the present and focus on the now.
11. “Once I made a decision, I never thought about it again.”
Nothing great ever comes from overthinking, and here is Jordan’s example of that. Stand firm in your decision-making instead of dwelling on the could’ve, should’ve, would’ve.
12. “Always turn a negative situation into a positive situation.”
The journey to greatness is not always pretty. When things go awry, it is often just a way of launching a person to the next level. Even the greats have bad days, but it’s how you learn from them and the lessons you walk away with that matter the most.
13. “Never say never, because limits, like fears, are often just an illusion.”
Mind the words you speak, change your mindset and the rest shall follow. Operating in fear can prevent a person from living their dream life. A quote like this from Jordan reminds us of how powerful words can be. Don’t allow your fears to project a reality onto your life that is not true.
14. “You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them.”
If you don’t believe that you can do something, who else will? When Jordan was demoted from his position on the basketball court and told that he didn’t have the talent, it would’ve been easy for him to never pick up a ball again and accept what others had to say about him. Instead, he continued to believe in himself — look how that turned out.
15. “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”
It’s cool to have the skill set to do your job, but what fun is it if you do it alone? Athletes, musicians, successful entrepreneurs, etc. don’t score in life by climbing the ladder alone. Behind every successful person is a team that is there to motivate and build them up along the way.
16. “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.”
If you don’t even attempt, you’ve already failed. Period.
17. “Everybody has talent, but ability takes hard work.”
Jordan offers another lesson that having gifts aren’t everything; you have to put in the work. Jordan did not get to where he is by just being a talented individual, he worked equally as hard.
18. “You may be the best high school player, but I’m the best player in the world.”
When you reach MJ’s level of champion, perspective is everything. Especially during your comeup, it can be indespensible to see things how they are. When confronted with a smack talker during a high school game, this was Jordan’s prophetic response. Not only did he put an overconfident player in their place, but he spoke into existence his future success.
19. “Learning is a gift, even when pain is your teacher.”
During the height of his career, Jordan lost one of his biggest fans to senseless violence: his father. He could’ve easily given up from the game after experiencing grief at that level, but he did not. Life can truly humble a person, but as long as we have breath, there’s a chance to live and learn.
20. “There is no ‘I’ in ‘team,’ but there is in ‘win.’”
What a way to flip a quote that seemingly talks down on the act of being selfish. Jordan has always had a warrior spirit and because of a mindset like this, he has always come out on top.
21. “I’ve never lost a game, I just ran out of time.”
People often mistake confidence for arrogance, but Jordan didn’t get to the level he’s in now by not having a firm belief that he was the greatest.
22. “If it turns out that my best wasn’t good enough, at least I won’t look back and say I was afraid to try.”
Everyone has those days where the shots aren’t landing, the job interviews aren’t resulting in any callbacks, you name it. We all face disappointment at some point in our lives, but it is even more devastating to not have even tried to give something your all.
23. “I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
This is the quote of all quotes; so many people have referenced it. Jordan was not a perfect basketball player, but he wasn’t afraid to admit the times when he came up short because, at the end of the day, it led to all of the success that he achieved throughout his career.