Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS), an organization founded by New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft, aired a Super Bowl commercial featuring Dr. Clarence B. Jones, the draft writer for Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech, on Sunday (Feb. 11) night.
The ad saw Dr. Jones reflecting on what message he would deliver if tasked with writing a speech for Dr. King today. The video aimed to mobilize Americans against silence in the face of hate while highlighting that all forms of resentment thrive on inaction. Through the 30-second campaign, FCAS also encouraged viewers to actively oppose anti-Semitism.
It was produced by the Black and Asian-owned agency Quantasy. The initiative also marked a deliberate effort by Kraft to combine Super Bowl advertising with meaningful diversity and cultural authenticity. Watch the clip below.
Quantasy CEO Will Campbell touched on why Dr. Jones was the perfect pick as for the commercial. He said, “We couldn’t think of a better voice than Dr. Clarence B. Jones’ to stand out at a time where hate in the US is occurring at overwhelmingly high rates.”
Kraft added: “The work Dr. Jones has done over the course of his entire life and career is the embodiment of FCAS’ mission to build bridges and stand up to Jewish hate and all forms of hate. In the time we have spent together and through his work, I have become a huge fan of Dr. Jones, and I am proud to spotlight all that he has done for our nation.”
The NFL owner continued, “With this ad, we hope to continue to spread Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s message of unity and equality at a time in which the country needs it most, and our goal is to reach a wide audience of people and inspire all Americans to stand up together, arm in arm, and fight this horrific rising hate.”
Dr. Jones was close friends with Dr. King before the civil rights activist’s killing in 1968. He also contributed to the fallen icon’s “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence” speech.