On Thursday (Aug. 10), a fourth person was taken into custody for their participation in the Mongtomery Riverfront Park brawl last Saturday (Aug. 5). According to CNN, 21-year-old Mary Todd was charged with third-degree assault and is said to be sitting in the city’s municipal jail.

The latest arrest follows three others, 48-year-old Richard Roberts, 23-year-old Allen Todd, and 25-year-old Zachary Shipman, all of whom were a part of an all-white group accused of attacking Damien Pickett, a Black co-captain of the popular Harriett II riverboat. As explained by Montgomery Police Chief Darryl Albert during a press conference, said group was asked to move from a space designated for the Harriett II when they responded with vitriol.

“The co-captain was then picked up by a separate vessel and brought to the pier in an attempt to have a conversation with the private boat owners and/or have those boats moved, so the Harriett could dock,” Albert explained. “A confrontation ensued… Mr. Pickett, the co-captain, [was] attacked by several members of the private boat. Several members of the Harriott II came to Mr. Pickett’s defense, engaging in what we all have seen since on social media.”

As previously reported by REVOLT, Crystal Warren, the mother of a 16-year-victim during the incident, claimed that one of the aforementioned perpetrators yelled “F**k that n**ger,” while another threatened to go and get a gun during the melee. As of the aforementioned conference, authorities have yet to officially decide whether the incident that took place constituted a hate crime.

“We believe what [Pickett] is saying, and what he is saying is that he does not believe it was racially motivated whatsoever,” the chief added. “If more evidence comes forward, if there’s more proof that this leaned toward more of a hate crime, we will amend those charges and charge appropriately then.