Rhode Island cop remains on force after assaulting Black female politician
BY Angel Saunders / 4.26.2023
Last summer, a Rhode Island police officer was filmed punching a Black female politician at an abortion rights rally. In November 2022, he was acquitted of a misdemeanor simple assault charge by a judge who felt his violence was justified because the cop was trying to keep the peace.
Today (April 26), it was announced that he would also be able to keep his job as a law enforcement official. “A police officer in Rhode Island will neither go to jail nor get fired after he was seen on video at a rally assaulting Jennifer Rourke, a Black woman who was running for state senate. The only accountability that Jeann Lugo will face is a 10-day unpaid suspension,” a social media user tweeted following the news. “So he got a 10-day vacation,” one person responded.
Police Chief Col. Oscar Perez, confirmed the news, according to local outlet The Providence Journal. However, that does not mean Perez was on board with keeping Lugo on the Rhode Island force. Many within the department hoped Lugo’s employment would be ended, but ultimately, it was a LEOBOR committee that opted for the suspension rather than termination. “We have to respect the decision. The decision was made by a committee. Again the chief only has the authority to recommend beyond two days,” Perez shared.
The chief added that certain arrangements were already made regarding Lugo before he accepted that position within the department. “Again that was something that was done previously. The previous administration, whatever decision was made was made by them and based on their own knowledge. That’s something I inherited when I took over,” Perez claimed. As of today, Perez has not spoken with Lugo but insisted that upon his arrival, he will undergo any training he may have missed while on his previous paid leave. “Typical. No consequences, so they continue to abuse their power,” another person wrote on Twitter.
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