"Snowfall" delivers a stellar "curtain call" series finale and leaves Twitter mourning
BY Cierra Jones / 4.20.2023
All good things must eventually end — including “Snowfall.”
Last night (April 19), fans around the world experienced a variety of emotions as they watched the final episode of the hit crime drama series. Since 2017, millions of viewers have watched how Franklin Saint (Damson Idris) went from being a bright teen introduced to the game to a wealthy and ruthless drug kingpin. But in the end, Franklin became a living testimony that “money is the root of all evil.”
As previously reported, Franklin had been on the hunt for his $73 million stolen by Teddy McDonald (Carter Hudson). After some time, he finally got Teddy in possession and had him on the phone with the bank. But as Teddy began revealing the code to transfer the kingpin’s money, Franklin’s mother, Cissy Saint (Michael Hyatt), shot and killed him.
During the series finale, Franklin continued to spiral out of control as he watched his mother plead guilty to murder. In dire need of cash, he turned to his friend Leon Simmons (Isaiah John), who told him he wouldn’t give him any money. The once-feared kingpin had become a broken man desperate for cash. Franklin began drinking frequently.
After a three-month jump, Franklin was close to getting some of his money back after DeJohn “Peaches” Hill (DeRay Davis) was located. In season five, Peaches stole $5 million from Franklin and disappeared. But after shooting Peaches for his betrayal, Franklin discovered a safe occupying only $12,000, with the rest believed to have been spent on drugs.
Two more time jumps later, and Franklin officially hit rock bottom. He became a broke alcoholic, walking inside Cissy’s house wearing dirty clothes, an unshaven beard, and rotten teeth. Leon visited Franklin and discovered an eviction notice on the front door. The pair left the home and headed toward a store. During their stroll, “Snowfall” seemingly paid homage to the series creator, the late John Singleton, by having Leon and Franklin walk near the Boyz n the Hood set.
After coming back from the store, Franklin and Leon returned to Cissy’s house to see cops had arrived to take over the property. Leon offered to help Franklin, but he declined and said, “I’m free.” Franklin then walked down the street, away from Leon, who called his name to end the episode.
But where there is an ending, there’s also a new beginning. On March 30, Gail Bean, who portrayed Wanda Simmons on the show, will reprise her role in a “Snowfall” spin-off series. At this time, FX nor Bean have released any additional information on the offshoot. Take a look at how Twitter users reacted to the final episode of “Snowfall” below: