YouTube star CJ So Cool reveals he was shot multiple times during home invasion
BY Jon Powell / 1.13.2023
Early yesterday morning (Jan. 12), CJ So Cool revealed that he was the victim of a home invasion. In a post on his Instagram account, he stated that he’d been shot multiple times in the process:
“In the hospital, I got shot four times in a home invasion at 3 a.m. Please keep me and my kids in your prayers, so far I’m doing okay.”
The YouTube creator and social media influencer also shared a video from his hospital bed. In the short clip, he expressed his appreciation for his fans and loved ones’ support during such a terrifying time:
“I’m getting so much love right now on Instagram, Facebook, text message, phone calls. Everyone that’s reaching out to me with positive regards, I appreciate you. I appreciate all the love. Like, this is something that, if I would’ve passed away, I wouldn’t have been able to see. So it’s kinda, it’s a very warm feeling that I get to embrace all this love and I get to still be on this earth, which only means that God has a plan for me.”
He also made it clear that he is clueless as to why he was selected as a target while reminding viewers to be safe: “I just want everybody watching to know this is not fake, this was not staged, I don’t wish this on anybody. Get inside, it’s not a joke, it’s not a game, especially while you’re just trying to sleep. Like, I literally was awakened out of my sleep to two people trying to kill me. For what? I don’t know. I’ve never did anything to anybody. I’ve never did anything wrong to anybody. But I’m just grateful to be here, and I’ma get back. I’ma get better.”
Check out CJ So Cool’s IG posts below.