Ice Cube hasn't given up on creating another 'Friday' film
BY Jon Powell / 1.2.2023
Yesterday (Jan. 1), TMZ caught up with Ice Cube while he was visiting Dash Radio in Los Angeles. During the run-in, the situation surrounding the iconic Friday series came up, which is currently in limbo due to Warner Bros.’s control over the filming rights. The reporter asked the West Coast icon if creating a sequel based around a different day would be a workaround, to which the response was in the negative:
“Well, you gotta use the same [intellectual property]. So, can’t call it Saturday without using [the series’ main characters] Craig and Day Day. Yea, so it’s the same thing, really.”
Later on, he did give a more positive response when asked if Friday‘s continuation was “a lost cause.” He also made it clear that he had no plans to sue anyone over the media franchise.
As previously reported by REVOLT, Cube was a guest on “Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson,” where he initially updated fans on his situation with Warner:
“I don’t know. You know, Warner Bros. is weird right now. I don’t know what they doing. They don’t know what they doing. We’d love to have it back. I think it’s gonna be close to a time where we can get it back, so, we’ll either wait for that time or we’ll keep trying to convince them that they need to let us control the movie.”
Cube continued: “They need to give it to me, and they gon’ make money. I ain’t ’bout to pay for my own stuff, that’s stupid… They need to do the right thing, get it to us, let us turn it into more money, and make the fans happy and people will have a good time with the series. We can do a lot with it… I’m always thinking about it. I’ve written two scripts.”
Check out Cube‘s quick-strike TMZ interview below.