Woman caught wearing sex toy with boyfriend's ashes inside at airport security
BY Oumou Fofana / 11.14.2022
An Australian woman was caught passing through airport security wearing a sex toy with her dead boyfriend’s ashes inside.
Sarah Button, who is a 23-year-old law student, was about to board a flight in the United Arab Emirates before the butt plug she was wearing in her boyfriend’s “favorite place” set off the alarms during check-in. She documented the entire experience on her TikTok page. The videos were uploaded since September but it recently went viral online, gaining millions of views. “They took me and my friend aside without much explanation,” Button said, before mentioning that she was forced to call her father to get help from the Australian embassy.
She also stated that the sex toy was a gift from her boyfriend before he died and that she wanted to start traveling to the places she and her boyfriend dreamt of visiting to honor his life. “The intention was initially a joke because he’d spent so much time in there and it was his favorite place. Honestly it is the funniest thing he’s ever done, I’ll spend my whole life laughing about it, which really beats crying,” Button said. “I also like that I can take him with me to places we only ever dreamed of going.”
its romantic
The airport security assumed that she was carrying a weapon. “I explained what it was, but a lady was working in earshot of that conversation, which led to some back and forth between us, and the male officials did not like the vulgarity I was using to explain,” Button said. “An hour later, a big official came and had us sign a super long foreign document and said if we went outside of the airport doors we’d go to jail.”
Eventually authorities realized that she was telling the truth, and had to let her go. It is unclear if she was allowed to take the sex toy with her.