Twitter demands apology for PnB Rock's girlfriend following news that suspects were already at restaurant
BY Shanique Yates / 9.28.2022
Now that further details surrounding PnB Rock’s death have been revealed, social media users are calling for an apology to his girlfriend who people initially attempted to blame for the events leading up to his death.
As previously reported by REVOLT, PnB was shot and killed on Sept. 12 in Inglewood, California while dining alongside his girlfriend and the mother of his two children Stephanie Sibounheuang at a Roscoe’s Chicken and Waffles restaurant. After news broke of the rapper’s death, some people took to social media to criticize Sibounheuang’s decision to post a photo of her food to her Instagram Stories along with a tagged location. New reports indicate that social media may not have even played a role in the incident.
According to reports, the suspect, Freddie Lee Trone, and his 17-year-old son were already in the parking lot of the restaurant prior to the fatal robbery, leading authorities to believe that social media was not a factor in the death of the Philadelphia rapper. Now, people say that those loudly placing blame on Sibounheuang at the time of the tragedy need to be just as loud with their apology.
“Yeah all of you that were speculating that it was PnB Rock’s girlfriend post that [led] to his demise need to get punched in the throat,” wrote one Twitter user. “All y’all fake detective a**es owe PnB Rock’s girlfriend apology,” wrote another. Fellow rapper Cardi B, who initially told people to refrain from placing blame on Sibounheuang, also chimed in following the updated report. “Told y’all… Ya’ll must not know how the hood moves,” Cardi wrote via Twitter. “Ya’ll owe that girl [an] apology for the s**t y’all put her through knowing that she saw her baby dad die in her face. Social media investigators, y’all suck!”
At this time, the 17-year-old has been arrested in connection to the shooting. Per authorities, he is the son of suspect Freddie Trone who police say is still on the loose and should be considered “armed and dangerous.”
Check out more Twitter reactions to the news below.