Boosie Badazz goes off on police after being detained during a traffic stop
BY Jon Powell / 7.15.2022
Earlier this week, Boosie Badazz found himself on the side of the road after being detained during a traffic stop in Fairburn, GA. According to various reports, Boosie was the passenger of a truck that was stopped for having dark tints and concealed tags. Authorities searched the vehicle and allegedly found marijuana, which led to them putting Boosie and the driver — 19-year-old De’Shun Lawrence — in handcuffs.
As can be seen on recently released body cam footage, the Louisiana star was pretty upset, unloading on the officers as he waited for them to finish searching the vehicle:
“I can’t keep going through this though, bro … I can’t bro. I don’t do no wrong. I gotta go to y’all superiors and start charging, man, it’s harassment everyday. I can’t even live, I moved out to the country to fucking live, bro.”
Things became more heated during the ordeal, with Boosie threatening to spit on “everybody” and boasting about having several women in his place of residence. The cops finally told the two that they were only going to give them a citation for the marijuana and let them both go — effectively bringing Boosie‘s tirade to an end. Whether or not he pressed charges of his own is yet to be confirmed.
TMZ later spoke to Fairburn Police Department Deputy Chief Anthony Bazydlo, who claimed that it’s common for his officers to detain someone on suspicion of drugs, mainly out of law enforcement safety. Ultimately, Bazydlo stated it was the obstructed license plate that led to the traffic stop.
Back in February, Boosie Badazz liberated his latest body of work Heartfelt, complete with 16 songs and a single feature from late talent Trouble. Weeks after its initial release, Heartfelt would spawn a deluxe edition with five additional tracks. Press play on the aforementioned body cam footage below.