In a video posted on social media Tuesday (June 14), a Black Sanford, Florida teen who identified himself as Jermaine says he experienced racial discrimination as he drove through a neighborhood where his friend lived.
“I was racially profiled while driving through my [friend’s] neighborhood,” the caption begins.
“They didn’t like the way I was driving, so they felt the need to hit my car with a cone, and throw a rock through my window. All I wanted to do was de-escalate until police came, because I wasn’t about to get charges pressed on me for no reason,” he wrote.
Photos and video show a car with its back window smashed, with a noticeable dent and scrapes underneath.
The footage appears to show the aftermath of the incident, with Jermaine (who does not appear on camera) taking video of the damage to his vehicle. As he records, four white, middle-aged residents — three men and one woman — can be seen yelling at him, with two men angrily approaching the teen.
One of the men says Jermaine was “burning out, racing through [his] fucking neighborhood.”
Another man then approaches Jermaine and begins to yell at him as well. The teen asks the man to “get out of [his] face.”
“I’m not in your face,” the man who is in close proximity to the teen says.
“Get out of my neighborhood,” he yells.
Before the video began, there could have been discussion about a weapon because Jermaine, who appears to be alone in the situation, asks, “Who got the gun?”
“You’re the one that would get the gun,” the white woman tells the Black teen.
After the video was posted to social media, gaining thousands of views, comments and reposts, Jermaine gave an update that two of the men seen in the video were arrested.
According to Heavy, the men have been identified as Donald Eugene Corsi and Howard Oral Hughes and are both facing felony charges. Their mugshots were released by the Seminole County Sheriff’s Office.
On June 15, a woman claiming to be Jermaine’s sister tweeted, “Yesterday my 16-year-old brother was racially profiled in a neighborhood in Sanford, Florida, the same city as Trayvon Martin. Luckily, he had a different fate. I commend my brother for how he reacted in the situation. They tried to throw a brick at his head, And missed.”