Russian forces are reportedly using explosive teddy bears against Ukranian children
BY Terzel Ron / 4.11.2022
As the war in Ukraine heats up, more sinister and covert strategies are being used. It is reported that Russian soldiers may now be targeting children in their offensive.
A Kyiv-based surgeon named Olexsandr Yatsyna is making headlines after claiming that Russian invaders are stuffing children’s teddy bears with explosives as part of their war strategy. The 39-year-old is a urologist who treats wounded civilians. He reportedly travels from Kyiv to the Polish border to pick up hospital supplies.
“First we had the catastrophic injuries from the bombs, then the shooting, next the mines scattered along the roads, but worst of all are the stuffed toys filled with explosives. They are targeting families. Be in no doubt, the Russians are determined to kill our civilians and children too,” he said.
Vladimir Putin’s forces have faced allegations of torture, rape, and even covert usage of nuclear weapons.
The war between Ukraine and Russia continues to reap civilian casualties. Earlier this month, over 50 people were killed when a Tochka-U missile struck a station in eastern Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia have exchanged blame for the deadly attack. About 4,000 people were at the railway station at the time of the attack, which was described as a “crime against humanity” by France Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has delegated 120 armored vehicles and £100 million in military assistance to the country in response.
“This is an evil without limits. And if it is not punished, then it will never stop,” said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the attacks.
The war seems to be accelerating the pace at which Ukraine can join the European Union. The process can usually take years but is fast-tracked due to the global attention on the crisis. Brussel’s chief Ursula Von Der Leyen and many other European Union executives have promised membership to Ukraine.