Jussie Smollett shares new "Thank You God" song
BY REVOLT Staff / 4.8.2022
Today (Apr. 8), Jussie Smollett returns with a brand new song that details some of his recent thoughts. According to an Instagram caption paired with the release of the track, all proceeds are said to be donated to Illinois Innocence Project, The Rainbow PUSH Coalition (RPC), and Secure The Bag Safety. Over a soulful instrumental, Smollett opens up the track by singing a hook about seeing who his “enemies” truly are:
My hearth was broken, and I ain’t ever really know how I can ever begin to put it together again/ When life gets stolen, and you’re looking all around to try and figure it out while your world seems to be coming to an end/ But then you see, that it’s your friend, thank you God for showing me my enemies, the ones that was killing me
Elsewhere in the song, Smollett doubles down on his innocence. “Looking at the docs, with all the lies in there, tryna say I said some shit and I didn’t. That shit ain’t fair… Politicize my attack, that’s what they all do. But I can’t lie, I fell into it, too. Tried to clean it up, but kept on getting dirt.”
Within this last year, Smollett was found guilty of five disorderly conduct charges after he allegedly lied to police about being the victim of a hate crime. The “Empire” actor said he was assaulted, called racial slurs and placed in a noose by the Osundairo brothers. He maintained he was telling the truth even after being sentenced to 150 days in jail. After several pleas from his family, peers and fans on social media, who were upset with his jail sentence, an appeals court in Illinois ordered his release pending the appeal of his conviction.
You can check out “Thank You God” by Jussie Smollett down below.