Kyle Rittenhouse launches initiative targeting lies from media outlets
BY Sweenie Saint-Vil / 2.22.2022
Kyle Rittenhouse wants the media to be held accountable for their spread of false information. On Monday night (Feb. 21), during a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, the Kenosha shooter announced his plan to combat the “lies” told by media outlets and famous personalities.
“Me and my team have decided to launch the Media Accountability Project as a tool to help fundraise and hold the media accountable for the lies they say and deal with them in court,” he said. “I don’t want to see anybody else have to deal with what I went through. So I want to hold them accountable for what they did to me because I don’t want to see anybody have to go through what I went through.”
Rittenhouse previously faced charges of homicide, attempted homicide and reckless endangerment after he fatally shot two men and injured a third at a Kenosha protest — an act he maintained was self-defense. After weeks of trial, the judge agreed with his claims, and he was found not guilty of all counts. He’s since disclosed his intention to take legal action against those who lied and attempted to defame his name.
“We’re going to hold everybody who lied about me accountable, such as everybody who lied and called me a white supremacist,” he told Tucker. He specifically has his eyes on Whoopi Goldberg, Cenk [Uygur] of the television show “Young Turks” as well as “a few politicians, celebrities, athletes.”
“He called me a murderer before I was acquitted and continues to call me a murderer,” he said of Uygur. As for the co-host of “The View,” he claimed, “she called me a murderer after I was acquitted by a jury of my peers.”
Rittenhouse’s Goldberg comment is in reference to comments the actress made in the wake of his not guilty verdict.“Even all the excuses in the world does not change the fact that three people got shot,” she said at the time. “Two people were murdered. To me it’s murder. I’m sorry.”