Purdue University cop filmed violently arresting Black student
BY Victoria Moorwood / 2.10.2022
A police officer at Purdue University is being accused of using excessive force after a video of his violent arrest of a Black man went viral.
According to Purdue’s The Exponent, the Black man in the clip, Adonis Tuggle, a junior at the university’s health and human sciences department; was arrested for resisting law enforcement. However, Tuggle says he did not resist.
The viral video was filmed by the man’s girlfriend, Nicole Dubish, who can be heard yelling at responding officer Jon Selke to get off her boyfriend.
“You’re hurting him!” she says as the cop restrains the man on the ground, pushing his elbow into his face and neck.
Police were reportedly called to the scene around 8 p.m. local time on Friday (Feb. 4) about a “domestic disturbance.” Tuggle says he and Dubish were driving home and pulled over near a hospital, where they were heard arguing.
“I tried to explain to him, ‘Nothing’s going on,’” Tuggle said he told Selke. “‘I’m not attacking her. This is my girlfriend. We’re having an argument.’”
Tuggle said he then asked his girlfriend to explain the situation to the officer, who yelled, “Shut the fuck up and back up!”
The man said he then got in between Selke and Dubish and told the cop, “There’s no need to be disrespectful.” At this point, Tuggle says Selke replied, “All right buddy, you’re going down,” and threw him against his girlfriend’s car.
Tuggle claims the officer punched him in the face as he tried to get back up. The rest of their exchange was captured on video. Additional officers later arrived, restraining Tuggle’s legs and arms, and Selke eventually got off of him.
The college student has requested to see body camera footage from the incident but was denied, The Exponent reports.
“Purdue University police became aware Friday night of an incident that occurred that evening involving a Purdue police officer who responded to an urgent call from a third party following our ‘see something, say something’ campus safety guidance,” Purdue University Police Chief John Cox said in a statement. “The caller stated that it appeared a woman was being held against her will near Horticulture Drive.”
“Any time a PUPD officer uses force in connection with an arrest, the department conducts an internal review. PUPD commenced that review, led by Deputy Chief Lesley Wiete, immediately upon receiving the officer’s report on Friday night,” he added.
Body camera footage from the arrest will be released, as well as findings from the internal investigation, when the review is complete, a statement read.
Tuggle, who was left with scraped knees and injuries to his face, is demanding justice. A town hall meeting at the college’s Black Cultural Center to discuss students’ next steps is scheduled for tonight (Feb. 10). See the disturbing footage below.