Twitter honors Coretta Scott King on MLK Day
BY Sweenie Saint-Vil / 1.17.2022
Behind every great man, there’s a great woman. In the case of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., that woman was Coretta Scott King. On Monday (Jan. 17), as the nation celebrated MLK Day, Twitter users filled the social media platform with reminders of Coretta’s contributions to the fight for social justice and voting rights before and after her husband’s assassination.
Bernice A. King, the daughter of MLK and Coretta, kicked off the day with a request that her mother be honored just as much as her late dad.
“As you honor my father today, please remember and honor my mother as well,” she tweeted before listing one of her accomplishments. “She was the architect of the King Legacy and founder of @TheKingCenter, which she founded two months after Daddy was assassinated. Without #CorettaScottKing, there would be no #MLKDay.”
Other users eventually followed suit. “Today as we honor Dr. King’s words and legacy let us also honor the incredible legacy, wisdom and strength of Coretta Scott King who led the way and made this day of remembrance and the King Center a reality,” wrote political consultant Karen Finney. “And she was front and center in the fight for voting rights & justice.”
“It’s…important to remember the role Coretta Scott King played in shaping MLK’s political framework,” added journalist Clint Smith Hill. “Credit she’s not always given.”
Some people highlighted some of their favorite quotes from the activist.
“Although I have suffered the loss of two family members by assassination, I remain firmly and unequivocally opposed to the death penalty … Justice is never advanced in the taking of a human life. Morality is never upheld by legalized murder,” @sisterhelenprejean penned in a tweet.
“Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation,” DrCEOWave wrote.
Look below to see the tweets.