Sevyn Streeter has ‘Drunken Wordz Sober Thoughtz’ on new album
BY DJ First Class / 9.17.2021
As we are on the brink of concluding 2021 in a few months, we’ve been gifted an abundance of gratifying music — primarily R&B. As much rap music we get on a weekly basis, getting some new R&B tunes to vibe too feels like a breath of fresh air almost 100% of the time. Sometimes we all need a break from the club records and heavy 808’s and all. Sevyn Streeter certainly picked the perfect time to give us what we deserve and it will not go unnoticed. The Florida singer-songwriter gets back in her bag and today (Sept. 17), she drops off her sophomore studio album Drunken Wordz Sober Thoughtz and it is very clear that she came to deliver.
Drunken Wordz Sober Thoughtz is the singer’s first effort since her 2017 debut album Girl Disrupted and according to a press release, she feels as though this is her reintroduction to the world: “My last album, although there were songs I loved on it like ‘Before I Do,’ I honestly feel like it did not get the push it deserved,” says Streeter. “There were a lot of things going on with me at my last label, so I don’t really feel like this is my sophomore album.”
Sometimes we all need a reset for our own benefit and it is amazing to see Sevyn has channeled that instinct when she did. Her debut single “I Like It” in 2012 was a well-rounded hit that opened many eyes and let the people know what she’s capable of when she steps in the booth.
In a sit down with People, Sevyn discussed how she has to work ten times harder as a black woman in the industry: “You do feel the effects of being a Black woman: You have to wake up a little bit earlier, make a few more phone calls,” she says. “It’s really unfortunate, but I will say that today, right now, the thing that I am most proud of for Black people is that we’re so vocal.”
Check out the album now!