BY Bianca Alysse / 9.13.2021
Can’t keep up with all of the news circulating on the internet — whether fake or true? We got you with “Fact Check,” our column breaking down viral stories and confirming or denying their validity one researched-based piece at a time. Come here for the facts.
The Golden State is no stranger to unconventional protocols concerning jurisdiction. There is a possible oust en route that may invite new right-winged power to the ordinarily blue-led region. Carrying this sentiment, Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom is posturing himself as Californians are headed to the ballot on Tuesday, Sept. 14.
The last Republican in the state’s governor’s office was Austria-born actor, bodybuilder, and entrepreneur Arnold Schwarzenegger. The celebrity multi-hyphenate came to power in 2003 after a separate recall election. For those becoming familiar with this process, Newsom’s referendum will consist of a two-question process for voters. Per the Los Angeles Times, “The first is whether they want to get rid of Newsom. The second is if Newsom is recalled, regardless of how they voted on the first question, who do they want to replace him?”
Should the Democratic official receive less than half of his constituents’ support, the candidate with the most votes in the follow-up section would become the new governor. Millions of citizens have already cast their ballots. Also, a specific sum concerning a less-than-majority tally is not required for prospective candidates. The regard of Newsom’s inhabitants in a susceptible news period is as necessary as it has ever been for the California governor.
Moreover, the only competitor to ever accomplish a recall election victory is concerned for the present administrator’s future. Schwarzenegger told CNN’s podcast “Total Recall: California’s Political Circus,” that “… it’s very dangerous for him because you got to take this stuff seriously… There’s millions of people out there that are dissatisfied, dissatisfied with the way the corona was handled, dissatisfied with the fires… It is exactly the same. The atmosphere is exactly the same [as] when I ran.”
Still, many citizens do not realize how the arrangement for this forthcoming recall count came to be. Per The Washington Post, “In the state of California, recall petition drive collected the required 1.49 million valid signatures to force a vote.” Registered voters in California have been mailed a ballot. Further, ABC forecasts that “Republicans are counting on doing better on Election Day…” with consideration of the GOP’s inclination toward in-person voting. Hot-buttoned issues include homelessness, immigration policy, droughts, stay-at-home mandates, and the death penalty.
Political Data Inc. has confirmed that Democrats have outpaced their registration lead. Even so, some guides feel there is no stand-out left-winged candidate should Newsom fall short. Documents from the FiveThirtyEight polling average on whether to remove Newsom from office read accordingly, “41.6 percent of Californians want to recall Newsom, while 56.2 percent want to keep him in office.” This Republican Recall is predicted to be complex. Any system reform is probable to be drastic from all current positions.
Locals have diverse factors to consider for the betterment of their communities. The former president’s false claims regarding mail-in options and voter fraud heavily influence Americans’ trust with ballot orders. Following the announcement of the recall race in early July, The New York Times wrote, “… the embers of 2020 election denialism ignited… on right-wing news sites and social media channels. This vote, too, would supposedly be ‘stolen,’ with malfeasance ranging from deceptively designed ballots to nefariousness by corrupt postal workers.” Trump’s claims against carrier operators have not been substantiated facing the election.
However, our previous administration’s bias toward far-right organizations that advocate for violence facing minoritized peoples was. I.e., “Proud Boys — stand back and stand by.” National publications such as TIME ran headlines covering racial nuances like “How the Trump Campaign Is Trying to Suppress the Black Vote.” Viewpoints in support of opposite ends of these voters’ spectrums are likely to impact California’s Republican Recall.
Newsom said during recent campaign stops, “We defeated Trump last year, and thank you, but we haven’t defeated Trumpism.” However, those who do not advocate for the governor’s provided policies may feel that his approach lacks answerability. During his district round, Newsom has publicly garnered the backing of the most powerful woman in American government: Vice President Kamala Harris.
Whether or not she contributes to his saving grace authoritatively has yet to be quantified. Last week, a public perspective from Harris during his rally in San Leandro was as follows: “If having a governor who is for workers’ rights and labor unions weren’t a problem for them, they wouldn’t be trying to recall him.” And despite the thoughts of COVID-19 heavily impacting recall efforts, motions to remove him from office started ahead of the pandemic.
As maintained by the San Francisco KGO-TV news station, “This recall effort began well over a year ago, in February of 2020… Orrin Heatley, a retired Sheriff Sergeant with the Yolo County Sheriff’s Department, began the recall petition. Heatley deeply disagrees with Governor Newsom’s position on immigration and his decision to put a moratorium on the death penalty.” In short, more than 200,000 signatures were acquired outside of the numeric requirement to get the connected petition in motion.
Dateline confirmed with the counter campaign’s senior advisor Randy Economy that the “… total number collected thus far is 2,060,000…” And who are the government official’s notable competitors, some might ask? Governor aspirants include past San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer, Olympian-turned-reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner, businessman John Cox, and entrepreneur Larry Elder. The latter has been widely noted as the GOP frontrunner among more than 40 potential candidates.
However, other conservative ballot contenders deem him unfit in light of the recent accusations from his former fiancée and a 21-year-old article featuring commentary concerning women. Jenner has requested that Elder leave the ongoing race. She tweeted, “women know less than men about political issues, economics and current events.” @larryelder DROP OUT NOW. You are not what CA wants let alone what we need. I am the proud father of very powerful, intelligent, successful women. You’re as bad as @GavinNewsom towards women.”
Simultaneously #MeToo actor-activist Rose McGowan has endorsed Elder. The public figure alleged that the spouse of Governor Newsom attempted to silence her surrounding experiences with movie producer Harvey Weinstein. More than within their districts statewide, high-profile characters further illuminating the above-mentioned personal scandals brought the Republican Recall to news networks abroad.
For example, refreshed discourse on the level of responsibility celebrities have in swaying populations is circulating beside slants from European outlets. The Independent published California’s Republican Recall as “… the biggest election since Joe Biden became president, and its results may hint at the political trajectory of the country.” Publications such as The Hollywood Reporter announced the “… California governor aims to fend off an ouster in the Sept. 14 election — his advisers have quietly called on Reed Hastings, Steven Spielberg and other left-leaning moguls to contribute big money and to mobilize Democrats.” Readers may question, what message is America sending to the world about our politicians?
- https://www.nga.org/former-governors/california/
- https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000216/bio?ref_=nm_ov_bio_sm
- https://ballotpedia.org/Gray_Davis_recall,_Governor_of_California_(2003)
- https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2021-04-26/whos-running-against-newsom-california-recall-election
- https://abc7chicago.com/california-recall-election-gavin-newsom-polls-ca/11015241/
- https://www.politicaldata.com/common-faqs/
- https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/08/politics/arnold-schwarzenegger-gavin-newsom-california-recall-podcast/index.html
- https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/california-recall-polls/
- https://abc7chicago.com/california-recall-election-gavin-newsom-polls-ca/11015241/
- https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2021/09/08/democrats-gop-push-back-against-partisan-election-audits
- https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/12/us/politics/gop-voter-fraud-california-recall.html
- https://time.com/5902729/black-voter-suppression-2020/
- https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/11/us/newsom-recall-campaign.html
- https://www.pressreader.com/usa/san-antonio-express-news-sunday/20210912/281659668164678
- https://calmatters.org/politics/2021/09/newsom-recall-kamala-harris/
- https://abc7news.com/governor-newsom-recall-update-gavin-california-election-why-is-being-recalled/11012834/
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/why-californias-governor-is-facing-a-recall-election/2021/09/10/776e899c-123f-11ec-baca-86b144fc8a2d_story.html
- –https://deadline.com/2021/03/newsom-recall-gather-two-million-signatures-reach-goal-1234712417/
- https://twitter.com/EconomyRadio/status/1369914808321994753?s=20
- https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/08/california-recall-election-what-to-know.html
- https://www.politico.com/states/california/story/2021/08/20/jenner-faulconer-call-on-elder-to-exit-california-recall-1390278
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rg7STDJmZr4
- https://www.businessinsider.com/rose-mcgowan-larry-elder-gavin-newsom-wife-silence-harvey-weinstein-2021-9
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SoiVsPCXQA
- https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/08/26/larry-elders-california-recall-rise-has-even-republicans-uneasy/
- https://twitter.com/Caitlyn_Jenner/status/1428783504163172356?s=20’
- https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/gavin-newsom-republicans-arnold-schwarzenegger-democratic-ron-desantis-b1918885.html
- https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/aug/25/california-governor-recall-gavin-newsom-larry-elder l
- https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/politics-news/gavin-newsom-recall-hollywood-democrats-help-1235002709/
- http://www.metnews.com/articles/2021/InMyOpinion_072221.htm
- https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/08/23/angelyne-stumps-for-californias-professional-celebrity-vote