Ohio police chief resigns after leaving Ku Klux Klan sign on Black cop’s desk
BY Sweenie Saint-Vil / 7.6.2021
An Ohio police chief resigned from his position after he was captured leaving a Ku Klux Klan sign on the desk of a Black officer.
As multiple news outlets reported, police chief Anthony Campo walked up to the Black cop’s desk on June 25, stood at the department’s copy machine and placed a note that read “Ku Klux Klan” on a rain coat he found sitting in his coworker’s workspace. Following the incident, the police union representing the Black officer filed a harassment complaint, bringing the case to the mayor’s attention.
According to Sheffield Lake Mayor Dennis Bring, Campo — a 33-year employee of the department — was supposed to be placed on administrative leave for his “egregious and offensive” action.
“I said, ‘I don’t want to even hear about it,” the mayor recalled. “I said, ‘You’ve already have admitted to it.’ And I said, ‘You’ve got 10 minutes to get out of this office.’ I said, ‘I want your keys, badge and that’s it. Get out.’“
Instead, Campo decided he would resign from his position. He insisted that he was only playing with the officer — who he said he has great respect for — and apologized to anyone who took offense to his joke.
“That’s all it was,” Campo said. “I had a joking back-and-forth banter with that officer since I hired him.”
Per Cleveland.com, the Black officer who was targeted hired a lawyer for possible action and reportedly received an apology from Bring.
“It took us 10 minutes to even talk to each other because we were both very emotional,” the mayor told NBC News of his conversation with the Black cop. “And I apologized to him. We talked about the situation, and he told me a little bit more. I was just flabbergasted. There’s no one word to explain how disgusting this is.”