Don Lemon rips into Trump after DC riots: “He is the biggest snowflake of them all”
BY Sweenie Saint-Vil / 1.12.2021
Don Lemon has had enough of the White House mischief amid Donald Trump’s presidential term. During a recent episode of his CNN talk show, he slammed POTUS for his role in provoking the riots that ensued at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday (Jan. 6).
“This one really takes the cake. A big tough guy who incited a riot and then hid in the White House for five days. And still refuses to take responsibility,” Lemon said in a segment that has since gone viral. “‘He’s the president of the United States! He’s the most masculine.’ Come on, man. Shut…shut up. Shut up! He is the biggest snowflake of them all, the biggest one. ‘I don’t wanna hear about your feelings. Give me facts and not feelings.’ Why are you coddling his feelings all the time?”
Ahead of last week’s insurrection, Trump urged his supporters to attend a planned protest intended to appeal Biden’s certified victory as the 46th president of the United States. He encouraged those that showed up to march to Capitol Hill, and the violence that culminated concluded with six deaths and multiple arrests.
“Who’s the snowflake now?” Lemon asked. “Like the guy with the horns now whose mom reportedly said, ‘Oh, well, he can’t, he’s not eating because they won’t serve him an all-organic meal in the lockup.’ Snowflakes! Cowards. The president’s legacy will not be the most masculine president, but the biggest loser we have ever had as president. Maybe that should have been the name of his show instead of ‘The Apprentice: The Biggest Loser.’”
Since the chaos at Capitol Hill unfolded, Trump has yet to acknowledge that he prompted rioters to take over the government building. When asked about his personal responsibility in the siege, he maintained that the remarks he made to his supporters were “totally appropriate.”
“They’ve analyzed my speech and my words and my final paragraph, my final sentence and everybody to the T thought it was totally appropriate,” the president told reporters on Tuesday (Jan. 12).