Kamala Harris and the fly on Mike Pence’s head won the vice presidential debate
BY Isha Thorpe / 10.8.2020
The first and only 2020 vice presidential debate between Sen. Kamala Harris and Vice President Mike Pence went down on Wednesday (Oct. 7) night. As millions of people tuned in to the political showdown, watchers reacted to it all across social media. So, naturally Twitter, didn’t hold back with the critiques.
It was almost anonymous when those on social media shared their thoughts on who won the night and they said Harris. The intelligent leader had great answers to questions — with loads of receipts included — poise and confident throughout the debate. On the other hand, watchers believed that Pence neglected answering vital questions, and straight up shared false statements about different topics of the night.
Even presidential hopeful Joe Biden live-tweeted the debate by cheering his VP pick on, as she gracefully slid through the intense talking points’ moments with ease. “@KamalaHarris is showing the American people why I chose her as my running mate,” he tweeted. “She’s smart, she’s experienced, she’s a proven fighter for the middle class. She’ll be an incredible Vice President.”
Biden retweeted some video clips of Harris’ rebuttals, as well. From her talking about Trump refusing to condemn white supremacists to healthcare, foreign policy and more, the California senator came prepared.
With all of these moments, there was one that really got people talking — more than they already were — and this moment was brought to you by a fly. No, seriously.
One landed on Pence’s head during the debate and watchers had a lot of funny things to say about the interesting moment. The terms “Flies” and “The Fly” even started trending, as a result.
Take a look at some of the funniest reactions to the insect’s random arrival below and let us know who you think won tonight’s debate. And please, people, don’t forget to #VOTEORDIE come Nov. 3.