Black family says windows were smashed in racially motivated attack
BY Sweenie Saint-Vil / 9.11.2020
A Black family in the suburbs of Detroit was the target of an attack that is believed to be racially motivated.
On Wednesday (Sept. 9), Eddie and Candace Hall were at home with their 18-year-old son when they heard a “hissing” sound and went to figure out what it was. Upon noticing someone was hiding behind the car outside of their home, Eddie was en route to retrieve his gun in another room when their window was smashed. A huge rock shattered the glass and landed on the couch, and a man with a ski mask and hoodie was seen running away from the home.
“As I was walking through the room, all I hear is a crash,” Candace told the Detroit News. “Glass was flying. I dropped to the floor and started crawling. I was scared.”
When cops arrived to the scene, they noticed a swastika and the phrases “terrorist Black lives matter,” “get the f-ck out” and “not welcome” on the Halls’ car.
Candace believes she and her family members were the victim of a racist attack and attribute it to the Black Lives Matter sign that has been hanging up in their window.
“There is tension because of Black Lives Matter and white supremacists,” Candace explained in a Facebook video detailing the tragic occurrence.
“We are shook up from this. We are not running. I am not going to take my sign down. We are not leaving. We are standing our ground,” she said.
Mayor James Fouts took to Facebook to respond to the incident and confirm his ongoing “pursuit of justice.”
“Our city is a true melting pot of many different races and religions. All help to make Warren a good community,” he wrote. “They are all welcome but those who would peddle hate and cause destruction are NOT welcome in Warren and should be aware that our city leadership and myself in particular will never stop in pursuit of justice.”
The police department is currently offering a reward to anyone with further information on the case as they review video footage.