Jacob Blake’s father says his son is handcuffed to the hospital bed
BY Tamantha / 8.27.2020
As Jacob Blake recovers in the hospital from being shot several times by Kenosha, Wisconsin police, his father, whose name is also Jacob Blake, says his son is handcuffed to the hospital bed.
On Wednesday (Aug. 26), Blake went to visit his son, who is now paralyzed, in the hospital. “I hate it that he was laying in that bed with the handcuff onto the bed,” he said to the Chicago Sun Times on Thursday (Aug. 27). “He can’t go anywhere. Why do you have him cuffed to the bed?”
Blake says he does not know what his son was arrested for. He also hasn’t heard from the Kenosha Police Department or Mayor John Antaramian, but says Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers reached out.
When he went to see his son on Wednesday, he told the outlet that his son thought he was hallucinating. “I told him, ‘You thought Daddy wasn’t going to see my son?’” Blake said. “He grabbed my hand, held it real tight and started weeping, telling me how much he loved me.”
Blake said that seeing his son alive, “Was a feeling I can’t describe.”
Earlier this week, Blake’s mom and father gave emotional speeches during a press conference alongside their attorney, Benjamin Crump. Blake’s mother Julia Jackson called for the violence from the protests to cease.
“Citizens, police officers, firemen, clergy, politicians: do Jacob justice on this level and examine your hearts,” she said on Tuesday (Aug. 25). “We need healing. As I pray for my son’s healing — physically, emotionally and spiritually — I also have been praying even before this for the healing of our country.”
She added, “Let’s use our hearts, our love and our intelligence to work together to show the rest of the world how humans are supposed to treat each other.”
Blake’s father broke down in tears during one point of his speech. “They shot my son seven times, seven times, like he didn’t matter,” he said. “But my son matters, he’s a human being and he matters.”