Trae Tha Truth gives $30,000 check to family of deceased Fort Hood soldier
BY Sweenie Saint-Vil / 8.14.2020
Since Vanessa Guillen, a Fort Hood soldier, was mauled to death with a hammer, her story made its way out of headlines, minds and social media feeds.
On Wednesday Aug. 12, Trae Tha Truth met with Guillen’s sisters and had quite the surprise for them. Upon their encounter at Taqueria del Sol in Houston, he gifted them with a $30,000 check!
Guillen’s older sister Mayra said the rapper has been supportive since the tragic loss and “it means a lot.”
Trae, in turn, is just happy to be of assistance. “It means a lot anytime you’re able to take the stress off somebody, even for a moment, knowing that they’ll be going through this for a lifetime,” Trae told The Houston Chronicle. “I wanted to let them know they’re not by themselves.”
US Army Specialist Guillen had been missing from her military base since Apr. 22. After over two months of searching, her body was found in a shallow grave. On the night of her death, she’d returned to the armony to retrieve her car and room keys, wallet and a few other belongings.
It was alleged Spc. Aaron David Robinson bludgeoned her to death with a hammer and disposed of her body with the help of his girlfriend, Cecily Ann Aguilar. The murder may have been in connection to Guillen’s desires to file sexual harassment claims against him.
Robinson died by suicide after being questioned by authorities. Aguilar was arrested and charged with second-degree felony tampering/fabricating physical evidence.
Trae is on the list of celebrities who have stepped up to help the families of innocent individuals who have tragically lost their lives. Following George Floyd’s murder at the hands of police, boxer Floyd Mayweather covered his funeral expenses. Kanye West set up a college fund for Floyd’s daughter Gianna. The presidential candidate offered to pay for Breonna Taylor’s funeral as well.