6-year-old kicked out of daycare for wearing Black Lives Matter shirt
BY Tamantha / 7.3.2020
A Russellville, Arkansas mother says her 6-year-old daughter was kicked out of daycare for wearing a t-shirt that read, “Black Lives Matter,” across it, according to FOX 16.
Journei Brockman attended preschool at His Kids Preschool for the past six months, but was told on Friday (June 26) that she would no longer be allowed to come back to the center. “She asked me Friday, ‘Can I go back?’ No, you can never go back,” explained Deval Brockman, Journei’s mom.
The day before, Brockman said she got a phone call from the school about the shirt her child wore. “She was like, ‘I don’t like it, I don’t agree with it’, and ‘I would prefer it if you didn’t send her to school in it again,’” Brockman said.
The mother said she reported the incident to the state and they told her that if there is no profanity on the article of clothing, then her daughter can continue to wear it. “If I’m supporting something, I’m going to wear it, my child is going to wear it, to help say that our voice needs to be heard,” she said.
On Friday, the young girl returned back to the school with a new shirt, which had an image of a raised fist on the back of it. When the mom picked her daughter up, she was told that the shirts were encouraging racism and Journei was no longer welcome at the school. “I got very upset,” Brockman said. “I’m just like, ‘Are you serious? Over a T-shirt?’”
The school’s director told the mother that she needed to reevaluate how she is parenting her daughter. “He was like, ‘I am not going to tell you how to raise your child, but you need to reevaluate how you’re parenting her,’” said Brockman.
The daycare center has since released a statement about the incident. “Due to the threat of allegations and under the advisement of the council, His Kids Learning Center will only be releasing this written statement concerning The Brockman’s: We feel a childcare environment is not a place for a parent’s political views to be addressed or played out, regardless of race,” the statement read.
Brockman says that the shirts are not political and that “it’s everyday life.” She says she will continue to teach her daughter the importance of equality.