Al Sharpton tells NFL to give Colin Kaepernick his job back during George Floyd’s funeral
BY Tamantha / 6.9.2020
The Rev. Al Sharpton had a few choice words for NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell during George Floyd’s Houston funeral service today (June 9). He told the league to give Colin Kaepernick his job back.
Last week, Goodell released a video admitting that the NFL was wrong for not listening to players’ concerns about racism and police brutality earlier. Social media users quickly called the commissioner out for allegedly blackballing Kaepernick, who hasn’t been signed to a team since 2016, after he protested racial injustices in America by taking a knee during the National Anthem.
“We, the National Football League, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier, and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest,” Goodell said in the almost two-minute video. “We, the National Football League, believe Black lives matter. I personally protest with you and want to be part of the much needed change in this country.”
Sharpton believes Goodell’s apology is “empty” if Kaepernick isn’t on a team. “All this family wants is justice,” he said, referring to the Floyd family. “Oh it’s nice to see some people change their mind. The head of the NFL said, ‘Yeah, maybe we were wrong. Football players — maybe they did have the right to peacefully protest.’ Well, don’t apologize. Give Colin Kaepernick his job back!”
He continued, “Don’t come with some empty apology, take a man’s livelihood, strip a man down of his talents and four years later, when the whole world is marching, you all of a sudden, you go and do a FaceTime talking bout you sorry.”
“Minimizing the value of our lives,” Sharpton continued. “You sorry? Then repay the damage you did to the career you stood down — cause when Colin took a knee he took it for the families in this building and we don’t want an apology we want him repaired.”
Do you think Kaep will get another chance to play football in the NFL? Watch Sharpton address Goodell and the league below.