“Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” cast reunites on Will Smith’s Snapchat show
BY Tamantha / 4.29.2020
Will Smith wrapped up his “Will From Home” Snapchat series with a two-part finale featuring the reunited cast of “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” and fans are losing their minds.
The reunion featured cast members DJ Jazzy Jeff (Jazz), Alfonso Ribeiro (Carlton Banks), Tatyana Ali (Ashley Banks), Joseph Marcell (Geoffrey), Karyn Parsons (Hilary Banks) and Daphne Maxwell Reid (Aunt Vivian). There will also be a tribute to the late James Avery, who played Uncle Phil.
Snapchat shared two clips of the reunion. In one of the clips, Smith reveals that Ribeiro convinced him to name his character on the show after himself.
“The reason that my character’s name is Will Smith is because of you, do you remember that?” Smith recalled. “It was such a deep insight that you had. You said, ‘Because people are going to call you that for the rest of your life!’”
In the other clip, Smith asked the cast how they dealt with people knowing them as their “Fresh Prince” characters in real life. DJ Jazzy Jeff said that he would only get annoyed when people would ask him to do the infamous handshake that he and Smith did on the show.
“You would see in peoples’ eyes when they were about to sneak the handshake and I would just grab their hand and hold it!” Jeff said.
“Will From Home” started earlier this month as a way to keep in touch with friends and family as they practiced social distancing during COVID-19. The show has featured Guy Fieri, Tyra Banks, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Kevin James, Johnny Knoxville and Smith’s son Jaden.
The first part of the series aired Wednesday (April 29) morning and the second part will air on Thursday (April 30) at 6 am ET on Snapchat.
Check out snippets of the reunion below.