Barack Obama says world would be a better place if led by women
BY Tamantha / 12.18.2019
Former President Barack Obama is letting everyone know that believes that women are better leaders for this world.
At an Obama Foundation event in Singapore he said, “Now women, I just want you to know you are not perfect, but what I can say pretty indisputably is that you’re better than us.” He continued, “There would be less war, kids would be better taken care of and there would be a general improvement in living standards and outcomes.”
“I’m absolutely confident that for two years if every nation on earth was run by women, you would see a significant improvement across the board on just about everything… living standards and outcomes,” he told the crowd.
Obama, who served as president from 2009 to 2017, also told the audience that the world’s problems were caused by “old men not getting out of the way.” “If you look at the world and look at the problems it’s usually old people, usually old men, not getting out of the way,” he said. “It is important for political leaders to try and remind themselves that you are there to do a job, but you are not there for life, you are not there in order to prop up your own sense of self importance or your own power,” he continued.
This is not the first time that he has mentioned how more women should be leaders. During an Obama Foundation leadership conference in Malaysia last week, Obama said there were “still so many places where young women don’t have opportunity and their own parents don’t think they should get an education.” He continued, “It turns out one of the best indicators of whether a country’s developed or not is: How does it educate its girls and how does it treat its women?”
Do you think the world would be a better place if women were in control?