Earlier this week, a viral video appeared on Instagram of 11-year-old Magdalena Gomez Gregorio crying after her father was taken during an ICE raid in Mississippi. After seeing the video, Kim Kardashian West criticized ICE and shared how heartbroken she is over the situation.

“This really breaks my heart,” she wrote to her Instagram stories. “I think about my own babies and how they would feel if their parents never came back to pick them up from school. The anxiety and fear these kids must feel really breaks my soul.”

In an effort to further express her disdain over the situation, Kardashian reposted a quote that details the loss of humanity in today’s society. “No matter your political beliefs, if you are a parent, imagine your children on their first day of school and no one coming to pick you up. Those people were at work. Trying to provide a better life for their children. For your heart to be broken at the lack of humanity is terrifying. The damage we as a country have done to these families is truly reprehensible. And lastly if you are not outraged and screaming from the rooftops unfollow me,” the quote reads, according to The Blast.

Although the KUWTK reality star was attempting to share her thoughts on the ICE raid, fans believe that Kardashian should be doing more. Throughout her career, the KKW Beauty founder and her husband, Kanye West, have kept a tight-knit relationship with President Donald Trump. Fans are wondering why Kardashian hasn’t spoken to Trump about the issue.

In hindsight, Kardashian has got in touch with Trump regarding issues that capture her heart. Last month, the mom-of-four worked with Trump to find a way to help with A$AP Rocky’s release.

“Thank you @realDonaldTrump, @SecPompeo, Jared Kushner & everyone involved with the efforts to Free ASAP Rocky & his two friends. Your commitment to justice reform is so appreciated,” she wrote on Twitter.

Watch the heartbreaking video of Magdalena Gomez Gregorio below.

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