By now, most know that Chris isn’t the only funny person in the Rock family. His little brother Tony has made a name for himself both on the comedy circuit and in Hollywood. Seemingly one of the hardest working fellas in showbiz, Tony Rock currently holds down the hosting duties for the game show Black Card Revoked, on top of starring in CBS’ upcoming comedy series Living Biblically. With two new projects on the horizon, the comedian stopped by The Breakfast Club. During his chat with Angela Yee and DJ Envy he discussed his new shows, his respect for Wanda Sykes and speaking to Charlie Murphy days before his passing.

On Black Card Revoked: “There are some things black people consider fundamentally Black. We just take ownership of certain things. Sweet potato pie, fried chicken – everybody loves it, but we just say it’s ours.

Black Card Revoked is a game show based on your knowledge of things that are fundamentally black. We get a little serious also. There’ll be a black history question like, what city did Rosa Parks refuse to give her seat up on the bus in? And then some questions are just majority rules like, what’s the best Black comedy movie of all time?”

His G.O.A.T. female comedian: “Wanda Sykes. Hands down. Wanda is like my mentor. She taught me a lot when I was coming up, so I always have a special love for Wanda.”

On Living Biblically: “Yes! White people money! I am the one black person. Living Biblically is based on a best-selling book that was written by A. J. Jacobs called The Year of Living Biblically. He tried to live his life for one calendar year, 100% according to the bible.”

“My name is actually Vince Young. I play Chip Curry’s best friend at work who is living his life by the seat of his pants and he’s like, ‘I don’t think you should live by the bible, because it is going to affect my life. And our friendship.’ I’m just in it, and funny. It’s a great show. I can’t wait for y’all to see it.”

On patching up his beef with Charlie Murphy: “It wasn’t a real back and forth battle like a beef is. We did a show in Long Island. He moved me up on the line-up. He said I was too high energy and he didn’t want to follow me. I made it a big thing. I was like, ‘This nigga scared of me and he don’t want to follow me.’ I was yelling at whoever was listening. I was ranting and raving. But they moved me up and cut my time.

“Before he passed he called me one day. He was like, ‘I just wanted to clear the air on everything.’ I have tremendous utmost respect for him. When you realize that your last days are coming, you start making things right with people. I was blessed that I was one of those people he thought he should reach out to clear the air on.

“I heard he was sick, but I did not know. It was literally like five days before he passed.”

To watch Tony Rock’s full interview with The Breakfast Club check out the video above.