DJ EFN sends second Hurricane Irma update
BY REVOLT / 9.11.2017
Following yesterday’s report, Drink Champs co-host DJ EFN is continuing to send REVOLT exclusive updates on Hurricane Irma from his home in Miami, Fla.
First revealing his and his community’s comparable good fortune, he said, “We fared well with the storm. My crib held well, my family’s safe, we’re all good. No damage to the crib, minor damage around the neighborhood: fallen trees, fallen mailboxes, stuff like that.”
However, the DJ did weigh on one of the storm’s long-term effects.
“We still don’t have power and they don’t know when power’s gonna be restored, so that could become a problem moving in the days ahead if it takes days, and they’re saying weeks, and some people are even saying months, so that could be an issue.”
Finally, EFN shared his gratitude but remaining concern for others.
“Drove around further in the city and some areas didn’t fare well as others. Got bigger trees falling on houses, lightposts falling, street lights not working. Pretty much, power in the whole city is non-existent right now but, I think in terms of lives and people, I think everybody pretty much did well during the storm and we lucked-out out here because it went West. But I’m not sure how the people on the West side of Florida weathered the storm.”