Celebrities react to white nationalists rally in Charlottesville, Va.
BY REVOLT / 8.14.2017
by Patricia Nicolas
The fatal “Unite The Right” rally on Saturday (Aug. 12) in Charlottesville, Va. left three people dead (one counter protester, and two state troopers in a helicopter crash) and dozens injured. Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe declared a state of emergency as the violence from the white nationalists’ gathering erupted in the small college town.
Meanwhile, we’ve seen people from all different walks of life stand in solidarity in the aftermath of the violence and outright (alt right) hate. From high ranking politicians from both the Republican and Democratic parties, to citizens all across the country who took to the streets to protest, to various celebrities who took to social media, they all had one common message: white supremacy has no place in the United States of America. Check out some of the tweets: