It’s no secret that Chance the Rapper wholeheartedly reps and cares for his hometown of Chicago. He’ll defend and go to bat for it, even if that means going against the President of the United States.

Last month, Donald Trump took to Twitter to threaten that he’d “send in the Feds” to Chi-town if the city didn’t “fix” its instances of violence.

In an interview with The Undefeated, Chano responded, challenging the POTUS to assist the city rather than insult it. And dropped some knowledge in the process.

“I hope he’s coming in to do some type of federal overturn of our state and city budgets in terms of schooling and housing. I’m tired of n—s talking about Chicago like it’s a Third World country. Like, that it’s not a place of booming business with a very successful downtown and all types of new development. It sounds like he was announcing he was going to war with Chicago. I don’t like to look at s— through that lens.”

Chance continued that sentiment in a video component of the interview, expressing again his expectations of the President’s actions.

“I can only expect that he means he’s gonna, from a federal level, help out with, you know, the teachers’ strike and the union issues. I don’t like to think that he, you know, said what he meant or meant what he said.”